How to get your money back if you have been scammed on the Aliexpress platform: Aliexpress is the retail branch of Alibaba where you can buy products in small quantities. Many sellers offer warranties on some items, always check if the product you are interested in has them or not. For example, expensive items labeled "Guaranteed Genuine" will be fully refunded if the item is found to be counterfeit. If there is no "Guaranteed Original" label, you may not get your money back. Aliexpress offers a dispute resolution service if you are not satisfied with the transaction; however, always wait for items to be received before submitting a claim. Because you only get one chance to resolve a dispute, some sellers deliberately delay delivery. In this case, if you make a complaint before receiving the goods, the complaint will be about the delivery time, and if the products are of poor quality, you will not have a second chance.
