How to get your money back if you paid with PayPal and got scammed: If you have purchased a product and want to return it, you can request a refund by contacting the seller. Ask the seller to go to the Transaction Details page for your transaction and click Refund. You can request a refund up to 180 days after paying for the item. Here's how to find the seller's contact information to request a refund: On the Summary page, select the transaction you want to cancel. Please use the contact details to email the seller. Provide all relevant information such as invoice number and order date. What happens if the seller refuses to refund? You may be able to open a dispute in the Resolution Center if you haven't received the item, if you received something that didn't match the seller's description, or if your payment wasn't authorized when the seller doesn't agree to a refund. A common trick used by scammers: when an order is not shipped for a long time and you ask via email - they will reply asking you to wait patiently. You can either get nothing or some low-quality product. Then if you ask for a refund they will offer a partial one. For a full refund, they will request that the product be shipped to China at their own expense, which will cost more than the product itself. Even if you send the item back, it's unlikely you'll get a full refund. Instead, you can get a full refund if you complain to PayPal that the product is not as described. Read "How do I request a refund?" on PayPal:

